到摩洛哥旅遊,當然一定要到撒哈拉! 一般也分為3日2夜, 和4日3夜,對於我這類假期不太多的人來說,3日2夜是不錯的選擇。
出發前做了很多功課,要麼參加散客團, 要麼當然是私人團啦~ 兩者分別在哪?
價錢︰不用多說,散客團由70歐到90歐不等;私人團呢,看人數吧,4人的由180至300歐也有, 不同公司、不同酒店質素當然也有不同
人數︰散客團,我在路上遇過的有10多人一團,人多好起來可以很開心,不好起來就大家不想說話太多吧~ 你懂的。
酒店︰沒試過散客團,不知道質素。私人團可預先和導遊溝通好,知道大約酒店的環境、情況,我選的是STANDARD酒店,但第一晚未進沙漠前已覺得很心滿意足,晚餐和早餐很好吃~!!!! 可想而知 豪華的私人團會有多豪華!
而在沙漠呢,STANDARD的一般是沒有沖涼的,但我9月去,晚上已微涼,所以不洗澡也沒問題~ 洗手間是公眾的,但意料之外很乾淨!大家不用擔心~
好喇~ 說回我選的私人團~ 出發前同其他人一樣,找好幾家問價,隻有一家回覆電郵,和最後我選這間Tenere Tours!!! 因為他有whatsapp和微信,對於我們這些希望立即溝通好的,確是十分方便 (難怪導遊在整個行程中也不停的用電話!!!! 他生意真的不錯呢~~~)
出發前與導遊用WHATSAPP聯繫,有時候感覺像普通朋友一樣,甚麼也會解答,而且他也關心我們其他日子的行程,也不會很「商業」感覺似的,就隻顧做生意~ 加上從他的頭像看,他也是一個帥哥!!是年青的帥哥,這麼一來,閒聊時也可以容易一點嘛!!!
1. 價錢包什麼
2. 包午餐嗎? (大部份也不會包, 我認為不包也沒問題, 反而較為彈性)
3. 車輛是什麼的? (這個當然按人數而不同啦)
4. 行程怎樣? 騎駱駝又怎樣?
沙漠團第一天,一看到帥哥時當然感覺很親切啦~ 車子狀況良好,他們很關心我們有沒有暈車浪呀等,不舒服的可叫他們隨時停下來。一路上導遊也講解一下歷史、文化等,反而是我們沒什麼好問,他還說笑為什麼我們沒問題問!
午餐呢~他之前已說過不會帶我們吃昂貴的 (有看過別人說散客團/私人團也好,有些公司會帶你們吃貴的,數百元一餐!!!) 我們的呢~ 就隻是70-100 MAD一餐~ 而且他還幫我們向餐廳取得折扣呢~~!! 可能由於他是BERBER人,就是沙漠裡的原民族呀,在整過行程當中,也可看見到他處處也有朋友,餐廳、路上等,甚至是沙漠帳篷內的也是他的自己人!!!!所以我相信比起一般摩洛哥人做導遊一定會有優勝之處!!
一路上他們有講有笑,就像朋友一樣,沒有感覺導遊客人之分,在酒店/帳篷也可以一起聊天,這個分別就大了! 因為很多時候,你想深入認識當地文化,就是和當地人閒聊時才知道的呀!!!!!! 你不會預先設定問題,然後就像問答一樣~ 對嗎~!
而且RACHID人很友善和FUNNY, 一路上他也會和我們談笑風生, 令這漫長的沙漠車程過得很快, 他和司機IMAD大家都很關心別人, 一開始出發時我和其中一個同伴有點暈車, 他們知道後便不斷問我們需不需要停車, 相信這是散客團不能做到的~ 而且第一晚另一個同伴可能有點點中暑, RACHID也非常關心她, 還找來藥物給她, 第二早也再叮囑她要吃藥 (藥是RACHID從親友處找來的, 柏柏爾人的地方就是不同!)
我們每一個景點, 他們也不會預先講好要用多少時間, 就是到了, 下車, 你們隋便拍吧, 到差不多時候見我們也拍完才上車, 不會像散客團一樣趕時間似的
在前往沙漠的第一天, 司機在開車中途突然停下來, 連導遊RACHID也問什麼事, 原來是司機發現了在馬路中心有隻出世不足一個月的小貓!!!!!!!!!為什麼會在路中心呢?我們不知道, 但司機和導遊立刻下車, 和截停了其他車輛, 抱起小貓回車, 楚楚可憐的小貓,十分令人憐憫呀~ 最後我們把小貓帶到酒店, 可能因為RACHID是柏柏爾人, 和酒店熟絡 (好像是親戚管理什麼似的), 所以酒店應承收留小貓呀~~~實在太好了~
我們把小貓起名叫 HAMIGUA (哈蜜瓜, 是撒「哈」拉的蜜瓜,因為小貓頭上有M字花紋, 加上導遊由一開始便不停和我們說, 他從其他遊客學會的中文: 哈蜜瓜, 哈哈哈!)
所以你們有機會參加tenere tours的沙漠團, 一定要問問導遊rachid, 哈密瓜現在怎樣喇~長大了沒呀~ 幫我好好的照顧他呀~~~~
說這愛心的故事是想說,一個導遊和司機,是否有愛心是從內心出發的~ 他們對待客人一樣,是否從心出發, 大家一定會感覺到。
所以當大家對沙漠團也有很多疑問, 而不同公司的沙漠團其實大大小小路程也差不多的時候, 我十分推薦大家試試TENERE TOURS, 至少你一定會帶著滿滿的回憶離開沙漠!
(這篇分享很少詳細講旅途的景點,住宿點滴, 因為相信大家在網上已找了很多資料, 行程,
時間等待., 我不希望隻給大家看見FACTUAL 的東西, 而是希望大家也能不枉此行~)
最後, 既然帥哥有WHATSAPP,微信, 大家也可試試問他資料~ 認識一下帥哥
(或者用暗號︰ HAMIGUA生活好嗎? ) 可能他知道你們也是愛心人士,會給予方便啊~~~~~~~
WHATSAPP: +212 662 050499 (非常方便!!!!!!!!!!!!)
微信︰ wxid_3gy6hlv27lu012
(帥哥好似沒改 ID, 大家加了不他, 可先加我, Alyson_elisa 我把他的微信傳給大家, 記得幫我問候一下哈密瓜啊~~~~)
Travelling in Morocco, one should not miss should be Sahara Desert Tour! There are 3D2N or 4D3N and for the people who doesn't have many holidays, 3D2N is not a bad choice.
(of course i found that 4D3N should be
much better and can experience more without rushing to another spot during the
I have done a lot of research before my
trip, taking a GroupTour with the people you don't know or joining a Private
Tour. So what are the differences?
Price: needless to say, for Group
Tour, it costs from around 70-90 euro; for Private Tour, depends on the number
of people, for a tour of 4, it can range from 180 to 300 euro, varies from
companies, hotel standard, etc.
Number of people: for Group Tour, I saw there are some 10
or more people for a group, of course, if all the groupmate are nice, that will
be perfect and unforgettable, but it will be vice verse if there is an annoying
one in the group, right?
For private tour, of course it depends
on how many people you have, I was lucky enough to find a nice tripmate in
qyer.com and another girl from HK from backpackers.tw and also another
brilliant girl referred by one of them. We were definitely a perfect
Itinerary: infact most of the trips are more or
less similar, go to the same tourist spots, the different only goes to the time
you will have spending on each site. For Group Tour, of course you have no
choice on it because there's no flexibility!
Hotel: I didn't join a Group Tour so
I don't know the quality. For private tour, you can discuss and negotiate with
your tour guide in advance, understand the standard of the hotels you are going
to stay. For the 1st night, the hotel I stayed was very good with spacious room
and nice dinner and breakfast, it was just a hotel with Standard price, so it
must be great if you choose to join a tour with luxury hotels
what about at Sahara desert? For most of
the tour, like standard one, there will not have any shower available at the
desert camp. I went there in September and the weather is perfect, a bit chilly
at night, so it's okay not to take any shower at night. There were public
toilets and actually its quite clean and neat.! so you don't have to worry
about it .
Whatsapp/ Wechat with my Tour Guide! Soooo convenient!!
let's talk about my private tour. Similar to many other people, i have sent
emails to several tour companies but not many of them replied me so fast. And
indeed only one of them replied my email but finally, me and my friend chose
another one -- Tenere Tours! Because our tour guide can communicate with us
thru whatsapp and wechat! you know we are always busy and want to get answers
asap, and they did it! We can get what we want and ask what we want to know
whenever we want! (that's why our tour guide kept talking on phone or
whatsapp during the whole trip! seems he got quite a good business!)
A young and energetic Tour Guide!
we confirmed with him our exact date and number of people, we had indeed asked
quite a lot of questions, e.g.
what the price include?
Lunch include or not? (most of the tours won't include lunch and I found it no
problem, because this will allow you more flexibility during the tour)
car condition? (of course it depends on the number of people, 4X4? mini-wan if
more people. etc)
itinerary? camel-ride?
tour guide Rachid (ooo forgot to mention his name till now!) had never forced
us to confirm the tour with him, not until when he needed to reserve hotel and
camp sites for us especially it was big festival (el adha) when we were there!
So after we confirmed the details with him, we just needed to pay a certain
deposite to him thru paypal.
the first day of our Sahara desert tour, i felt so comfortable with him because
we had chatted for a while thru whatsapp, so it just felt like a friend meeting
up! The car is in nice condition, comfortable even though we 4 little girls,
with quite a lot of luggage! He and the driver always care about us and asked
if we felt car-sick, etc. They didn't mind to stop for a while if we didn't
feel well! During the trip, Rachid told us about Morocco, about Berbers (he is
a Berber!) about their culture, history, etc. it's indeed we didn't ask a lot
of questions!
As we have communicated a lot before I went to morocco, I have kept good relationship with our tour guide, like a friend. He answered us a lot of questions and also cared about our itinerary. He's not only doing business with us, but just like a friend! Oo indeed, from his profile pic in whatsapp, he was quite a handsome guy! a young, handsome and energetic tour guide! what a great tour!
A Berber Tour Guide! Soooooooooo local style!
about lunch? We had communicated before that he wouldn't bring us to those
expensive restaurants for lunch (I had read previous blogs saying that some
tour guides will bring them for expensive lunch, like few hundred dirims!!!)
for us? our lunch is less than 100 dirims and Rachid also bargained some
discounts for us! It's because he is a BERBER! they got a lot of good
connections in Sahara, in the restaurants, on the road, or even in the camp!
they are all BERBERS! so i believe that having a Berber tour guide, you must
gain more during the trip!
During the trip, Rachid was
just like a friend. We chatted and shared experiences, life during the camp.
This is when you got to know more about the locals there. You won't pre-set the
questions and do a Q&A session during the trip right? You just can
understand more about them thru casual chit-chat!
Rachid is also a nice and funny guy. He
and the driver, Imad cared about us, if we didn't feel well, they can stop the
car for a while, and i think that this won't be able to do so if we are in
Group Tour! One of us felt a bit sick on the 1sy day, maybe too hot, Rachid
cared about her and got some medicine for her. He even reminded her to take the
medicine on the next day! (and indeed Rachid got the medicine from his uncle!
you know, Berbers got connection everywhere!)
Whenever we arrived at a tourist spot,
they wouldn't tell us how long we will have, because we are private tour! They
will just let us stay as long as we want, and when we finished taking photos,
we just went back to the car!!!! so flexible!
Our tour guide is just soooooooooo caring!
why i said so?
the 1st day, our driver stopped on the way suddenly, and even Rachid ask
ed what
happen! Imad found a kitten on the middle of the road! what the
hell!!!!!!!! the kitten was born less than a month, it was tooooo dangerous
right? But he stopped immediately and got off the car, stopped the following
cars, picked up the kitten to our car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the kitten is soooo
adorable! and guess what? Rachid brought the kitten to the hotel we stayed and
the hotel agreed to raise the kitten! (heard that the hotel is owned/managed by
the Berbers...not sure)!!!!!!
named the kitten as "Hamigua" (in Chinese 哈蜜瓜;
aka - SaHAra's migua) because there is a little "M" on the forehead
of the kitten~ and also, one of the first Chinese Rachid told us he learnt from
the other Chinese ppl is HAMIGUA!!!)
if there will be a chance that you are going to join a tour with Tenere
Tours! please help me ask Rachid about Hamigua~~~ I so much wanted to see
Hamigua's photo if you are going to stay in the same hotel we did!
didn't share so much in details about my trip because most of the Sahara desert
tour are more or less similar. You are going to experience this yourself and I
just don't want to disclose too much. The most important is that you have to
find a great guide who will bring you a lot of unforgettable memories!
is Hamigua?
maybe you can use this as password: How's Hamigua? He may know that you
are a cat lover or give you some good choices!)
So if you are interested to know how's
Hamigua, you can whatsapp Rachid (of course if you are interested in finding
out more about the tour details with him)
WHATSAPP: +212 662 050499 (extremely convenient!!!!!!!!!!!!)
wechat︰ wxid_3gy6hlv27lu012
We arrived at Ait ben Haddou (a film site of Game of Throne)
The breakfast and also dining room of our 1st hotel. It's nice!!!!!
All of our lunch just costs less than 100 dirim, with drink, appetiser and main course! sometimes we had dessert too!
On our way to desert camp, a Berber and his camels were resting and so our Berber tour guide just stopped there , and we could take some pics! (Photo of Imad, our Driver, another nice guy!)
Ready for camel ride? Ooo this Berber is so cuteeeee!
The dinner at the camp is good too!!!!!
Sun rise on the next day
It's not because we were hot. We just went out to "nowhere" of the desert and chatted till mid-night! so just casually slept there~~heheheh
Rachid is nice and funny!
He is busy too!!!
OO HAMIGUA~~~~~~~~
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