Wednesday, 26 November 2014

《尋找西西里的美麗傳說》- 沉醉於TRAPANI海岸線 (Fallen in love with Trapani) (Trapani, Sicilia)

Trapani是西西里島西面的沿岸城市之一,不少西班牙或歐洲航班也飛抵TrapaniBirgi Airport (其實大部份歐洲內陸航班也選擇西西里首府Palermo或第二大城市Catania)


從西班牙Giorna機場飛抵Trapani 2小時,不少旅人也會再在Trapani立刻起程到Trapani附近的山城Erice 或鹽田Marsala, 但我們卻選擇在Trapani逗留2~並作為今次環遊西西里的起點,探索西西里的美麗傳說。


Trapani旅遊,亦可選擇前往附近的Aegadian Islands (Isole Egadi) 與西西里東面的火山小島Eolie Islands (Isole Eolie) 相比,Egadi名字較為少人熟悉。Isole EgadiTrapani西面,由3個小島組成,從Trapani乘船(USTICA lines)出發到其中一個小島較近的小島Favignana也只是20分鐘 (快船,也有便宜一點的慢船,由另一船公司營運,約1小時航程),十分適合作為一天旅遊。小島擁有藍天碧海,當地人靠捕漁為生,尤以吞拿魚產量最為豐盛,所以到Egadi一定要吃當地的吞拿魚。

西西里出名是黑手黨的古鄉,皆因是歐洲黑手黨的發源地。不少人說到西西里旅遊很危險,但說實在的,在這10天的行程中,我不但一點危險的感覺也沒有,卻在西西里感受到在其他歐洲大城市沒有的熱情。或許西西里仍不是亞洲人的熱門旅遊之地,在Trapani我們沒有遇見到一個華人,當地人每每看見我倆黑頭髮黃皮膚的經過,總也投以友善的目光,更試過有個西西里人從對面街特意大聲和你SAY HI!! 我們也試過在公路山截順風車呢!

 西西里的美麗,不單是源於西西里的醉人美景,卻是因為當地人的好客與熱情。The beauty of Sicily, is not only from the picturesque scenery but it is because of the passion and the hospitality of the locals.

Trapani is one of the coastal cities in western Sicily. Some flights from Spain or other European cities fly to the Birgi Airport of Trapani. (Most of the flights choose to fly to Palermo, the capital city of Sicily or Catania, the second largest city of Sicily instead)

Many people said that there is nothing special or worth to see in Trapani and a day there will be far more enough. Maybe because I didn’t have much expectation when first arriving Trapani, it turned out to be a big surprise for me.

It took me 2 hrs to fly from Giorna, Spain to Trapani, and most of the people like to head to Erice (situated on a hill above the sea and Trapani) or the seaside town, Marsala which is famous for its marine area with salt ponds. Instead, I chose to stay at Trapani for 2 days and began my exploration of the beauty of Sicily.

Trapani has a marvellous coastal line. Whether it’s at the sunset or at dawn, its fantastic scene just made me speechless. During sunset, the sea is as calm as a mirror, the reflection of the golden sunset together with the highs and lows of Mediterranean Italian architecture, unveils the myth and the beauty of Sicily.

Staying in Trapani, you can also visit Aegadian Island (Isole Egadi), a group of small mountainous islands off the northwest coast of Sicily. Comparing to the Eolie Islands (Isole Eolie), Egadi may be less known by the tourists.
From Trapani to Egadi it just takes you around 20 mins by ferry (of course, there is a cheaper one with an hour’s trip), it is perfect for a short day trip out there. With the blue sky and the green sea (yes, it is green to my opinion!), people there make their living from tuna fishing, (as the water are known as the “highways of tuna fish”) and that is why you shouldn’t miss having tuna dishes for lunch or dinner when you visit there!

Sicily is the motherland of the Mafia. Many said it’s dangerous to travel in Sicily (even I heard the locals said so). But during my 10-days trip in Sicily, what we felt is the warmth and passion of Sicily instead of dangerous, which you cannot find in any other large European cities. Maybe Sicily is not a popular travel destination of people from Asia, I haven’t seen any Asian in Trapani, thus when we were there, people always look at us with a friendly smile! A Sicilian even said HI to us across the street! And we got a free ride from them when we missed a bus stop visiting the Valle dei Templi (Valley of the Temples) in Agrigento! The driver and his friend even asked if they need to pick us up after our visit!

Tranpani日落景色十分醉人 The stunning and romantic view at Sunset

到Favignana可選乘快船,約9歐羅一程,也不便宜呀!  Taking ferry to Favignana costs around 9 euro one way! It's not cheap indeed!

在小島可做什麼? 當然可以租單車環島一圈吧! 約5歐羅便可租一整天,我們用了2-3小時隨意的走,也走了差不多細半個小島!
What you can do on the island? Let's rent a bike! It costs around 5 euro for a day and we cycled for 2-3 hrs and visited less than a half of the island!

 為什麼我愛上西西里? 其中一個原因是它那綠綠藍藍的海,而且整個小島遊人不多,有時真的很害怕到滿街旅客的城市旅遊的! 
Why I fall in love with Sicily? One of the reasons is the blue blue sea. I just can't express how much I love the sea in Sicily! And since it's still not as popular as other European cities, at least it won't have too many tourists around

The map of Favignana. Basically this island can be divided into 2 part, the pier is in the middle of it 

在西西里一定不能錯過任何一次食海鮮的機會! 青口從來不是我的Favourite ,但這裡的藍青口簡直鮮甜、超級嫩滑得我想一吃再吃!
You shouldn't miss having seafood in Sicily! I'm not so into mussels when I am in Hong Kong, but I just couldn't resist the freshness of the mussels on the island!


 西西里的傳統美食 -炸飯團 Traditional food of the Sicily -- Arancini!

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