Thursday, 27 November 2014

意大利麵包條 Grissini

意大利麵包條大家一定試過! 其實也不太難做!





高筋麵粉 125g

速溶酵母 1/4 tsp

冷水 75g

鹽 1/4 tsp


1. 將麵粉過篩,加入鹽、酵母,先用1度攪勻,再轉3度,慢慢加入水,直至成為光滑麵團

2. 表面噴少少水,放入盆中,用保鮮紙包好,發酵2-3小時至2倍大 (如早一晚造,可將麵團放入雪櫃冷藏至翌日


老麵種 100g

高筋麵粉 250G

全麥麵粉 50g (我沒用,全改用高筋麵粉)

Parmesan cheese 3 tbsp (可以不用,其實隨意也可,視乎你多喜歡芝士啦~)

速發酵母 1/2tsp

砂糖 10g

牛奶 180g

無鹽牛油 20g

1. 將高筋麵粉、麵種、砂糖、速發酵母、cheese混合搓揉,(1度 à 3度)

2. 上勾後,慢慢加入牛奶,最後才加入牛油,搓揉直至起蔣膜

3. 將麵團滾圓,放入盆中發酵1小時至2倍大


4. 取出排氣,麵團靜至15-20分鐘

5. 將麵團擀成長方形,(建議可以薄一點,這樣才能較脆口),用刀切成一條條,每條之間需有少少空間,表面掃蛋白(或水也可),灑上白芝麻 (也可不加,或加CHEESE芝好~)

6. 作第2次發酵約45-60分鐘

7. 預熱焗爐170度,焗15分鐘至表面金黃色便可!

Grissini is one of my favourite Italian food and it is more yummmmmy if you can just make it at home by yourself!

Taking reference recipes online and I have used Ms Carol (from Taiwan)’s recipe. Unfortunately I planned to do the sour dough a night before, but I just got something wrong and have to do it in the morning the other day……

(servings: around 20-30 pcs, depends the thickness of your grissini)

Sour dough:

Bread flour 125g

Instant yeast 1/4 tsp

Cold water 75g

Salt 1/4 tsp

I use my BOSCH M5 (^.^)

1. Sift the flour, add salt, yeast and mix it @1, adjust to @3, gradually add water until a smooth dough is formed

2. Put in the bowl, you can spray some water on the surface, wrap it with film cling, set aside until doubled in size, around 2-3 hour (if you make it a night before, put the dough into the fridge)

Main dough:

Sour dough 100g

Bread flour 250g

Whole wheat flour 50g (you can use bread flour)

Parmesan chees 3 tbsp (optional)

Instant years 1/2tsp

Sugar 10g

Milk 180g

Unsalted butter 20g

1. Sift the flour, add sour dough, sugar, yeast and cheese, (bosch M5, @1 à @3)

2. Gradually add in milk until a smooth dough is formed, add butter at last, mix and knead until it is smooth and elastic (you can test if a thin layer is formed)

3. Gather the dough into a ball, put in a bowl and cover it with film cling, set aside for around an hour until doubed in size

(usually if the weather is getting cold, I like to put the dough into the oven with a cup of warm water; it can help accelerate the yeast’s activity while cool temperature may stop the yeast from working)

4. Take it out, stretch and roll the dough to free the air inside, set aside for 15-20 mins

5. Roll the dough into rectangular shape, (if you like a crispy texture you can make it thinner), cut into pieces as breadsticks, leave some spaces between each breadstickers; brush the sticks with egg white (or water) and sprinkle with white seasame (or cheese if you like)

6. Set aside for 45-60mins

7. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and bake for 15 mins until it is golden brown

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