意大利除了意粉外,當然就是薄餅啦~! 意大利的薄餅沒有分厚批和薄批,而且餡料亦不會太多,(不知像香港那樣什麼也放在PIZZA面~),反而這樣,卻美味得多!
薄餅其實很易做! 而且時間也不需要太多,所以最適合在家招呼朋友!
材料: (10''pizza /25.5cm)
高筋粉 200G
糖 2tsp
酵母 5g
暖水 100g
鹽 3g
橄欖油 5-10g
1. 將所有材料混合一起,攪成團。記得起初鹽盡量不要與酵母有太大接觸,因為鹽會減慢酵母的活動能力。
2. 搓麵團至光滑便可,不用如搓麵包一樣搓太耐起筋。
3a. 如想要像麵包質感的餅底,可收先將麵團靜止約1小時發酵,麵團會發至兩倍大
3B. 如想要較脆口感,可直接將麵團放在大碗內,塗少許油在面免得太乾,用保鮮紙蓋好,放入雪櫃雪一晚
4. 麵團發大至兩倍後,排氣,收圓,靜置15分鐘。
5. 將麵團擀薄,放在薄餅盤中,便可鋪上材料,放入焗爐底置,200度焗15分鐘便成。
番茄醬- 一般薄餅也會塗上番茄醬,想簡易一點,可直接買茄膏,塗上便可;想蕃茄味香一點,可以自己煮熟番茄,加入茄膏、糖等做成肉醬,塗上也可
- 在薄餅隨意的鋪上巴馬火腿
加入其他材料後,灑上芝士碎,一個芝味的PIZZA便成了! (視乎需要加上芝士)
Besides pasta, PIZZA is another Italian food you shouldn't be missed! Unlike in Hong Kong, pizza in Italy doesn't have thick one or thin one, all of them are very thin to make it crispy. And there won't be too many different ingredients on top of the pizza, just SIMPLE is DELICIOUS!
It's not difficult to make pizza at home! It's definitely a perfect dish for party!
Ingredients: (10' pizza/ 25.5cm)
bread flour 200g
sugar 2tsp
yeast 5g
warm water 100g
salt 3g
olive oil 5-10g
Pizza crust:
1. mix all the ingredients together. Remember not to mix the salt and the yeast together at the beginning as salt will lower the years' activity.
2. knead the dough until a smooth dough is formed. Unlike bread dough, it is not necessary to knead the pizza dough for a long time
for step 3, there are 2 different ways
3a, if you prefer a more bread-crust feel, leave the pizza dough for an hour until doubled in size
3b, if you prefer a more crispy crust, put the dough into a bowl, add some oil on the dough surface, cover the bowl with a cling film, put into the fridge overnight
Of course, to have a crispy crust, you should also
- make it as thin as possible
- use a pizza stone as the heat will be more evenly distributed
- use bread flour instead of plain flour
4. take out the dough, roll it, push out the air, leave it for 15 mins
5. roll the pizza to around 0.5cm thin, place it on the pizza tray, add other ingredients, put in over at 200°C for 15 mins
Tomato paste
- tomato pasta is commonly used, just buy a can of tomato paste and spread it on the pizza; if you prefer richer tomato taste, you can make the tomato sauce with tomatoes, tomatoes paste, sugar, etc.
Parma ham
- top the pizza with parma ham
After adding other ingredients, just top up with cheese then a yummy pizza is waiting for you! (optional, no cheese for this one)
Put on some rocket leaves and DONE!
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