Saturday, 13 December 2014

愛在古希臘與西西里小巷 Agrigento (Agrigento, Sicilia)

Agrigento 是西西里南部的小鎮,是個古希臘小鎮,所以當地的古希臘神殿 - Valle dei Templi (Valley of the Temples)亦十分有名,也是世界文化遺產之一,因此不少人也慕名前來。(像我一樣,沒去過希臘的人,對這個神殿也十分有興趣,不過,對於一些已到過希臘的人來說,這個神殿可能是沒太特別吧~)

Agrigento也是一個山城,城鎮建於山上,可由Palermo乘巴士前往,也只是需要1-2小時左右。我們則由Trapani那邊乘Lumia 巴士前往,路途確是有點遠,需要在Trapani機場上車,大概需要4個多小時,但整體上交通也十分方便,因為中途也不用轉車,車費約為11.9歐羅,而且,也可以作為從西邊的Trapani,到東方的Catania 大城的其中一個中途站。

另外也有火車到達,西西里的火車主要由trenitalia 營運,差不多每小時一班,車程約兩小時 (從Palermo),在Agrigento 的 Stazione Centrale 下車,車費也不便宜,約9至15歐羅,部份車程更需要3個多小時呢。不過trenitalia通常會有早鳥優惠,早買可以平一半以上,大家可留意一下。

也也有巴士從東面的Catania 前往,但需要3小時,中途亦需要轉車,所以在計劃行程時可考慮下怎樣走最好。

位於山上的小城,坐擁一望無際的海景,不少人也會從市中心搭乘巴士到海邊,從Agrigento更可以到另一著名的海灘 - Scala dei Turchi,那裡地勢獨特,一級一級的XX 而上,海水青藍,是我夢寐以求的海灘勝地,下次到西西里,我也決定一定要去游水呢! (不過當然交通就相對沒有太大方便)

Agrigento算是一個小鎮,沒有什麼可走走看看的地方,市中心主要由一條大街組成,大街大旁有不少小商店,大街一邊連接著廣場、郵局等等。從大街向海邊方向走,便可找到火車站,和教堂 (見到教堂就找到了火車站呀!) 教堂外便是乘巴士到Valle dei Templi和海邊的巴士,十分方便。

巴士會從山上一路往下車,記得當經過中途, 有餐廳的地方便要下車,那裡正正就是神殿的售票處、博物館和入口,錯過了,要等好一段路才能下車,那時候,便麻煩了 (我們那一次就是這樣子發生了點小意外,卻發現西西里人的友善之處)

Valle dei Templi面積很大,每到一個temple 都要走上一段路,在烈日當空下走,確是不是味兒。Valle dei Templi共有7個神殿,分別係Temple of Juno, Temple of Concordia, Temple of Heracles, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Temple of Castor and Pollux, Temple of Vulcan 和 Temple of Asclepius。7個神殿各有特色,遺跡所見十分不同。其中最常見到的一幅相,便是有個毀壞了的銅像橫訓在其中一個神殿前,那個就是Temple of Concordia。

而另一個就是只遺留下幾條巨柱的Temple of Heracles, 應該會是第一個到訪的神殿。

還有一個較常見的是在Temple of the Olympian Zeus,有個雕刻成男性模樣的巨柱橫訓在地上,部分文物則放在入口位置附近的博物館,大家也可以去參觀一下。


小記:之前提過我們錯過了車站,到下一個話時已走到很遠很遠。是公路的中心似的,因為巴士一路下山到海邊。我們本打算在下車後走過廿山對面看看有沒有回頭巴士,可惜發現不像香港那樣對面一定有巴士站,在慳妹想法出現後,便決定截順風車。每當有車經過,我便嘗試望著他們,口裡說昔著什麼,希望有司機番留意到,初時沒有什麼人看得見我們,後來有架貨車走過,我知道司機他們是看得見我們想日尋求幫助的,但我見車子卻一洗而過有點失望。後來我們發現他們在前面停下來坐在乘客位的那個男人走了下來,在溝通不到的情況下,只好指著地圖說temples, temples , 哈 而他們也估到我們想去,他和司機朋友說了幾句後,便著我們上車。初時也有點擔心的,因為他要我們坐在中間,而貨車頭前面其實只得一個空位,但既然朋友也不怕,我們便上了他們的車了。約十分鐘車程,他們有問我們是不是日本,又遞煙給我們問要不要,大家在雞同鴨講的情況下,便開開心心的到達神殿,我們還請他們一起拍照呢!他們更問我們要不要接我們,一來我們也不知道要行多久,二來接了我們後也不知道會去邊,所以也婉拒了他們。所以,我都是覺得在這些小城市,才能找到友善的,可信的朋友呢!要是在大城市,我一定不敢上他們的車呢!

Agrigento is a small town lociated on Southern Sicily. It is famous for its greek Valle dei Templi (Valley of the Temples) which was named UNESCO World Heritage. Many tourists come to Agrigento to visit the Valle。(For those who haven't been to Greece, like me, the Templi were really something special to me. But maybe for those who have been to Greece, they may think it's just more or less the same.

Agrigento is also a hill town, the main activity, and the centre is built on the hill. From Palermo, it takes around 1-2 hour to get to Agrigento by bus. But we went there from Trapani by Lumia bus, it was a bit far away and need to get on the bus from the Trapani Birgi airport and it took you 4 hours to get there. Nevertheless, it's still convenient as you don't have to get change on your way and the cost is just 11.9 euro. It can be one of the cities to visit if you want to go to Cantania from Trapani.

There are also train to and from Agrigento and it is mainly operated by trenitalia. From Palermo, it will be around 2 hours and get off at the Stazione Centrale of Agrigento. It costs around 9-15 euro but some trains take you 3 hours. So you better check which one fits your schedule in advance. Trenitalia has some early bird discount from time to time and you may get more than half price discount if you buy in advance.

From Catania, you can take bus to Agrigento but it takes around 3 hrs and you have to get chance on your way. So it's important to plan your trip itinerary.

From the centre of Agrigento, it oversees a piece of beautiful and tranquil sea view and many people will take the bus to the seaside down the hill. There is a famous sea side place called Scala dei Turchi with the most beautiful sea. Scala dei Turchi in English means Stairways of the Turks with a very beautiful and rocky cliff overlooking the sea. The color of the cliff is pure white and it is made of stone called Marga. This is one of my dream seaside and I have to visit it when I go to Sicily next time! (However, the transport is not that convenient)

Agrigento is quite a small town and there may not have much to see. There is one main street in the centre with lots of shops, and on one side of the main street, there is post office, etc. From the centre walks towards the sea side, you can find the train station (Stazione Centrale) which is outside the church. And right there, you can get on the bus to Valle dei Templi and to the sea side.

The bus will go down hill and remember, when you pass by a restaurant, you should get off there as it is indeed the entrance of Valle dei Templi. You can also find the ticket office and the museum. If you miss the bus stop, the bus will just keep going down and it's difficult to just walk back to the entrance. (And that was what happened to us last time.. but this turned out to let me feel and know that how nice the Sicilian are)

Valle dei Templi is very big and you have to walk for a while from one temple to another temple. It's not a good choice if it's under the sun. There are 7 temples, Temple of Juno, Temple of Concordia, Temple of Heracles, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Temple of Castor and Pollux, Temple of Vulcan and Temple of Asclepius, each with own characteristic. The one people may always see on the internet may be the bronze sculpture of Icarus laid down in front of the Temple of Concordia.

The first one you will see should be the Temple of Heracles, it is the oldest one with long and thin pilar standing.

And the other one you may know if the Temple of the Olympian Zeus, where you can find the remains of an atlar, a support scuplted in the form of a man, which may be used as column or pilaster.

You can also pay extra money to visit the museum and get to know more about the history of the valle.

To walk around the whole site, it's better to spend a whole morning or afternoon. Some visitors will join the night tour where the scene is attractive with some lights are on. You have to enroll the tour in advance in its website.

side story:
I mentioned earlier that we missed the bus stop and when we got off at the next stop, it's already quite far away from the site. It is just like the middle of nowhere with a few shops there. The bus keeps going down to the sea. We first tried to go to opposite side and found a return bus, but just found that there's no bus stop there! (it's not just like Hong Kong, most of the bus stop is on the opposite street) We won't want to pay again for the bus ticket, thus, we tried to get a free ride there. We kept looking to the driver when they passed by and said something so that they may get off and helped us. At the beginning, all the cars just went by but then, a small truck passed by and i know the passenger saw us and noticed us. First they passed by and i was a bit disappointed, but then they indeed stopped the car and the guy came down and talked to us. They didn't really speak English and we didn't speak Italian, we just tried to show him the map and said: temples, temples. and luckily, seems they understood what we were talking about. He talked with his friend, the driver and asked us to get on the truck! We were just happy but was a bit doubt at the beginning also, as there was only 1 seat, but nevermind! it just took around 10 mins and I didn't think there's any problem of overload! We sat in the middle and we tried to chat , ha yes tried! They asked if we were Japanese and passed a cigarette (which of course we didn't take), then we were here! After we got off the truck, we took a photo together, and they even asked when we would finish and they can come to pick us up! But we rejected them as we have no idea how long it take and we didn't know where he would bring us to later.. Anyway, we were still happy and just couldn't believe that how nice they are. I'm sure that it may just happen in these kinds of small cities and towns, if we were in those big cities, we dare not to do this!

Agrigento 大街小巷,縱使小城沒什麼景點,但是街角處處令人喜愛
Every city tells a story. Every corner of the streets at Agrigento just made me fallen in love with it

從我們全的B&B 望出去就是海 The sea view from our B&B

友善的西西里人 The lovely Sicilian

Remains of the Temple of Heracles 

Temple of Concordia

Temple of Concordia and Icarus

Temple of Juno
Remains of the atlas

The re-assembled remains of the Temples of "Castor and Pollux".

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

巴馬火腿薄餅 Parma Ham Pizza (Pizza al Prosciutto)

意大利除了意粉外,當然就是薄餅啦~! 意大利的薄餅沒有分厚批和薄批,而且餡料亦不會太多,(不知像香港那樣什麼也放在PIZZA面~),反而這樣,卻美味得多!

薄餅其實很易做! 而且時間也不需要太多,所以最適合在家招呼朋友!

材料: (10''pizza /25.5cm)
高筋粉   200G
糖          2tsp
酵母      5g
暖水     100g
鹽         3g
橄欖油   5-10g

1. 將所有材料混合一起,攪成團。記得起初鹽盡量不要與酵母有太大接觸,因為鹽會減慢酵母的活動能力。
2. 搓麵團至光滑便可,不用如搓麵包一樣搓太耐起筋。
3a. 如想要像麵包質感的餅底,可收先將麵團靜止約1小時發酵,麵團會發至兩倍大
3B. 如想要較脆口感,可直接將麵團放在大碗內,塗少許油在面免得太乾,用保鮮紙蓋好,放入雪櫃雪一晚


4. 麵團發大至兩倍後,排氣,收圓,靜置15分鐘。
5. 將麵團擀薄,放在薄餅盤中,便可鋪上材料,放入焗爐底置,200度焗15分鐘便成。


番茄醬- 一般薄餅也會塗上番茄醬,想簡易一點,可直接買茄膏,塗上便可;想蕃茄味香一點,可以自己煮熟番茄,加入茄膏、糖等做成肉醬,塗上也可

- 在薄餅隨意的鋪上巴馬火腿

加入其他材料後,灑上芝士碎,一個芝味的PIZZA便成了! (視乎需要加上芝士)


Besides pasta, PIZZA is another Italian food you shouldn't be missed! Unlike in Hong Kong, pizza in Italy doesn't have thick one or thin one, all of them are very thin to make it crispy. And there won't be too many different ingredients on top of the pizza, just SIMPLE is DELICIOUS!

It's not difficult to make pizza at home! It's definitely a perfect dish for party!

Ingredients: (10' pizza/ 25.5cm)
bread flour    200g
sugar             2tsp
yeast             5g
warm water  100g
salt               3g
olive oil        5-10g

Pizza crust:
1. mix all the ingredients together. Remember not to mix the salt and the yeast together at the beginning as salt will lower the years' activity.
2. knead the dough until a smooth dough is formed. Unlike bread dough, it is not necessary to knead the pizza dough for a long time

for step 3, there are 2 different ways
3a, if you prefer a more bread-crust feel, leave the pizza dough for an hour until doubled in size
3b, if you prefer a more crispy crust, put the dough into a bowl, add some oil on the dough surface, cover the bowl with a cling film, put into the fridge overnight

Of course, to have a crispy crust, you should also 
- make it as thin as possible
- use a pizza stone as the heat will be more evenly distributed
- use bread flour instead of plain flour

4. take out the dough, roll it, push out the air, leave it for 15 mins
5. roll the pizza to around 0.5cm thin, place it on the pizza tray, add other ingredients, put in over at 200°C for 15 mins


Tomato paste
- tomato pasta is commonly used, just buy a can of tomato paste and spread it on the pizza; if you prefer richer tomato taste, you can make the tomato sauce with tomatoes, tomatoes paste, sugar, etc.

Parma ham
- top the pizza with parma ham

After adding other ingredients, just top up with cheese then a yummy pizza is waiting for you! (optional, no cheese for this one)

Put on some rocket leaves and DONE!

Friday, 5 December 2014

意大利「天空之城」 Civita di Bagnoregio (Central Italy)

意大利之美,實在難以用筆墨形容。再一次,我因為網上的一張相片,被她,深深的吸引著。這裡是意大利的「天空之城」 - Civita di Bagnoregio。

Civita di Bagnoregio 建於2500年前,這個「天空之城」長度不足300米,寬200米,聽說從前是與其他的陸地連接,因為風化作用,地層持續被侵食,底層變得薄弱,最後因為一次大地震,破壞了道路、橋樑等,漸漸形成像一個孤島一樣的死城,因此,Civita di Bagnoregio 又名The Dying city。


留意的是,從Orvieto 到Bagnoregio的巴士班次很疏,一日只有2-3班,早上是很早的大約7:50am,巴士站就在Orvieto火車一出對開的那個巴士站,早上有很多學生在這裡等車,所以上車時記得問清楚。而車票就在火車站內的Cafe/Bar買便可。現在很少人住在「天空之城」,整個城很小,走走逛逛大約1-2小時便完成,城邊望出去的風景也很美,環境清幽,十分舒服。如果不想太趕,也可以好像我這樣,早一晚先到Orvieto住,逛逛Orvieto的舊城 (是在山頂上, 要乘cable car上的),那第二天一早便可乘巴士到「天空之城」。然後中午12點1點多回程!

Once again, it's difficult to describe how beautiful Italy is. I couldn't remember where I have seen the photo of this city, it is just like a "castle in the sky", unreal, and only appear in fiction. But here it is, the "castle in the sky" - Civita di Bagnoregio.

Civita di Bagnoregio was found more than 2,500 years ago. The length of the "castle in the sky" is no longer than 300m and 200m width. It was said that the town was used to connect with other part of the land, because of the erosion and the earthquake, the roads and bridges were broken and it was isolated and became an "island". Civita became known in Italian as "il paese che muore"  (The dying city).

Civita di Bagnoregio is about an hour more train ride from Rome. It is quite good to arrange a day trip from Rome. You can take train from Roma to Orvieto, and change bus to Bagnoregio. Getting off the bus, it takes around 30 mins to walk to the Civita. There should be some mini-van to get there but I have no idea where to take it and how much is it.

There is only 2-3 buses to and from Orvieto and Bagnoregio each day and the first one is around 7:50am. The bus stop is located right outside the Orvieto train station where a lot of students getting on their school bus in the morning. Just ask the driver and make sure you are getting where you want to. You can buy the bus tickets at the Cafe/bar inside the train station.

Civita is a very small "island" and it just takes you 2-3 hours to walk around. Not many people are still living there but the peace and the tranquil scenic view just made you speechless. If you don't want to be too rush, you can stay in Orvieto a night before, hang around at the old town of Orvieto (you have to go up to the old town on the hill by cable car) and then take the earliest bus to Civita next day. Then you can return to Orvieto by taking the bus at around 12 or 1pm.

Ancora una volta,  è  difficile descrivere quanto  è  bella l’Italia. Non posso ricordare dove ho visto la foto di questa paese la prima volta, somiglia a un “castello nel cielo”. E' da favola e appare solo nell'immaginazione. Comunque ecco il “castello nel cielo” – la Civita di Bagnoregio.
La Civita di Bagnoregio è stata fondata piu di 2,500 anni fa. La lunghezza di questo “castello” non è piu di 300 metri e 200 metri di larghezza. Si dice che il paese venisse usata come collegamento con le altre zone circostanti, ma a causa dell'erosione e del terremoto, le strade e i ponti si sono rotti ed è rimasta isolata. È diventata come un'isola. Il paese seivita è diventato conosciuto come “il paese che muore”.
La Civita di Bagnoregio è circa a un’ore di treno da Roma. È abbastanza comodo organizzare una gita di un giorno da Roma. Puoi prendere il treno per Orvieto da Roma, poi l’autobus per Bagnoregio. Scendi dall’autobus e arrivi al paese a piedi in circa 30 minuti. Dovrebbero esserci delle navatte per il paese, ma non so dov'è la fermata ne' il costo.
Ci sono solo tue or tre autobus per Bagonoregio da Orvieto ogni giorno e il primo autobus è circa alle 7:50am. La fermata è all’esterno della stazione dei treni dov'è molti studenti prendono l’autobus per andare a schola la mattina. Basta chiedere all'autista per assicurarsi che sia quello giusto. Puoi pagare il biglietto in la café o bar nella stazione.  
Il paese è una “isola” piccolo e solo usi circa 2 o 3 ore per visitare. Non molte persone vivono la ma è la pace e è tranquilla, e è ammutolito. Se non puoi darsi da fare per visitare, puoi stare a Orvieto per una notte, visitare la citta vecchia di Orvieto (hai bisogno andare in funivia) e prendi il prima possibile del’autobus per il paese il prossimo giorno. Poi puoi ritorno a Orvieto in autobus alle 12 o 1 nel pomeriggio. 

Orvieto 也分新舊城,要上舊城需要乘搭Cable car 
There is new town and old town in Orvieto and you have to take the cable car to get to the old town which is located on the hill

There is a castle in the old town where you can view the other part of Orvieto

Whenever I look at this pic, it is just so unreal.

連接「天空之城」的橋樑 The bridge link to "Castle in the Sky".  

You can find a lot of lovely cats in Civita

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

齊來學簡單意大利文 learning italian

當初為什麼我會學意大利文? 就是因為那一次的西西里旅行,令我愛上意大利,同時,亦令我嘗試學意大利文。


why did I want to learn italian? It's just because I love Italy so much that after I've been to Sicily, I just want to learn italian so that I could travel to Italy more..

To be honest, I'm still a beginner, but I think that I can still list out some basic and simple italian that may be useful during travelling in Italy

你好 (Hi, Hello) = Ciao (發音: chow)
你好嗎? (How are you?) = Come stai? (發音: con咩 士帶)
哪裡是... (where is...) = dove (發音: dor啡)
我是 (I am...) = (io) Sono (發音: (依哦) 爽囉)
我不知道 (I don't know) = non lo so / non so (發音: Long 囉 傻 / long 傻)
請/ 不用客氣 (please / you are welcome) = prego (發音: p里-哥) (哥是低音的)
多謝 (Thank you) = Grazie (發音: 架啦 士er)
超級市場 (Supermarket) = supermercato (發音: super-咩卡dor)
餐廳 (restaurant) = ristorante (發音: ris-多round-te)
巴士 (bus) = autobus (發音: ao-多-bu-s)
巴士站 (bus stop) = fermata dell'autobus (發音: 啡-嗎-他 嗲-loud-多-bu-s)
酒店 (hotel) = albergo (發音: ou-啤-哥) (哥是低音的)
幾多錢? (How much is it?) = quanto costa? (發音: 關-多 call-s-達)
現在幾多點? (What time is it?) = che ora è?  (發音:  ke  餓-啦  er?) (er是高音的)

幾多點... (開門, 關門, 做XXX) (At what time...) = a che ora...    (發音: 呀 ke  餓-啦...)
明天 (tomorrow) = domani (發音: 多-嗎n-ni)

Will add some more if I can think of any! 


Sunday, 30 November 2014

走進童話世界 - 意大利Alberobello (Alberobello, Puglia, Italia)

決定到東南意旅行,除左因為見到Matera的靚相外,另一個吸引我的便是那些蘑菇屋 - Trulli。第一次在網上見到,覺得這些屋仔很可愛,整個鎮也很可愛,所以最方便的便是Matera, Alberobello等地方放在同一個trip,一次過滿足晒自己的願望。

到Alberobello,交通也不是太多選擇。最方便的,還是從Bari出發,可乘由Ferrovie de Sud Est 營運的火車或巴士,一個半小時便到,費用也是一程4.9歐羅,一日來回也很好 (當然,想慢慢的感受小鎮文化及嘗試住進蘑菇屋,2-3天也是不錯!)

一日大約有5-6班火車,集中在早上,同樣地由Bari Centrale出發,到Alberobello。Bari 車站也是在Bari Centrale stazione 旁,建議去到問問當地職員,不要誤會是Centrale stazione 的platform呢。


一日大約有5-6班,全天也有,方便下午沒車到Alberobello的人,可下午/晚上才到Alberobello,價錢較火車便宜一點,只是4.1歐羅,車程也只是1小時45分鐘多一點。中途也停很多不同站 (可到營運公司網頁看看有什麼站呀),不過因為有一半人也是到Alberobello旅行,所以到站時司機也會提你下車呢!

至於上車地方,則與下車不同,所以記得預先上網看看上下車地點,再看看地圖! 特別是上車回程的地點,車站十分不顯眼,是在一間街角Cafe & Bar的對面,也很少人上車,所以我們初時也怕找錯了地方呢! 但可以到Cafe & Bar問問職員,他們也會很友善搭你的呢!

車票呢? 巴士的車票不可以在網上買,只可以到時間在店買。在意大利有一個很特別的習慣,就是可以到Cafe & Bar,或是報檔買車票~就連長途車票也是呢!

今次到Alberobello旅行,也是遇著復活節,商店沒開,只好試試到Cafe買票。在網上查了一下可買票的Cafe,盲摸摸的周圍找,由於怕找不到,我們一早便出門,也走了好一段路,才找到Cafe & Bar的街道 (要知道,有時間在意大利街道名稱確是很不好找!) 但兜了又兜,也找不到網站上寫明的Cafe名,唯有走入另外一間Cafe問問! 真好遇著一個超好人的Cafe老闆,他帶我出去Cafe外的報檔,還幫我和報檔老闆說呢! (始終我的意大利文還是一般般,而最重要的是,我說得出意大利文,但聽不明他們說什麼呢!)


由於時間尚早,便在Cafe吃個早餐,再到車站等車。同樣地,這條街也有2-3個站,而每個站也是不顯眼的。我發現,在Puglia地區,車站牌是高高的掛起,沒有圖畫或LOGO,只有細細的車公司名,你也不能確定對不對的呢! 有時候要留意是車站牌還是給駕駛人士看的路牌呢!


說回Alberobello,Alberobello以她的蘑菇屋聞名。這些蘑菇屋名叫Trulli,那圓錐形屋頂是由一塊一塊細小的石頭疊砌而成,當中更沒有用任何水泥興建! 聽說在中古世紀時,當時的農民漁民收入不高,為了逃稅而砌成蘑菇屋,到收稅時把屋頂推掉,裝成沒人住的,便可以不用交稅,然後數天過後再從新興建。


大約走15分鐘,見到遊人開始多,便知道差不多到了,當一路走仍是普通的白色小屋時,突然間,你會發現,對面馬路便是一整排的蘑菇屋! 好有 柳暗花明又一村的感覺! 一見到蘑菇屋,我真的十分興奮!因為實在太特別,太神奇,又好唔真實! 隨意走走,每一角落也是影相位!! 當然,一個地方漸漸開始為人熟悉時,遊客商店也自然多了 (幸好在很多外國遊客當中,Alberobello仍然不是很有名,所以整體仍不會有那種人山人海的感覺)。

Alberobello有3條蘑菇村,我認為只走一條也夠了,而且村落很細,走2-3個小時便可以走完了~! 當然,也可住進蘑菇屋酒店啦!

回程時若是乘火車的話,必經另一小鎮Martina Franca,也是一個值得一去的地方,可惜我們當日沒有火車,所以也沒機會和沒時間到那裡走走呢!

Besides Matera, the Trulli in Alberobello are the other things I want to see during my South-eastern Italy trip. The first time i saw the "trulli" photos on the internet, I just found it so lovely. The whole village is just like a wonderland in storybook. As Matera and Alberobello is not far away, it's good to visit these 2 places during my trip.

There is not much choice on transportation to Alberobello. Again, the most convenient one is taking train or bus from Bari, which are operated by Ferrovie de Sud Est. It takes around 1.5 hr and the cost is around 4.9 euro. It is good for a day trip from Bari. (of course, for those who like to explore the culture, you can choose to stay in the "Trulli" hotel for 2-3 days!)

There are around 5-6 trains to and from Bari and Alberbello, setting off from Bari Centrale, but most of them run by the noon time. Again, the platform is not in the main area of the Bari Centrale stazione, and it is better to check with the station staff for the right platform

Maybe because most of the cities are small towns or less tourist known cities (just I guessed), most of the trains don't run on Sunday and Public holidays (same as trains to Matera), and thus, we have to take bus to there last time.

There are 5-6 buses whole day, so it is more convenient for those who want to go to Alberobello in the afternoon or at night. For bus, it is slightly cheaper, just costs 4.1 euro and takes you about 1hr 45 mins to get there. There are more stops before arriving Alberobello but the driver will let the tourists know once arriving Alberobello.

However, the location taking the bus back Bari is different from where you get off. So, you should check the location on the map or on internet in advance. We had some difficulties to locate the bus stop when we headed back to Bari, the stop is not obvious (and indeed most of the bus stop in south-east italy are not obvious...), it is located across the street with a Cafe & Bar at the corner. You may check with the staff at the bar anyway.

What about the fare? We can't buy the bus ticket online so you have to get to the shop. And in Italy, they will sell bus tickets in cafe & bar, or newspaper stands!

As it was Easter holiday when we went to Alberobello and most of the shops closed during holiday, we can only buy the tickets in the cafe. After checking the internet the addresses of the cafes, we just went and tried to find out where the shop was. It's not easy to find, even we went to the right street. At first, we couldn't locate the shop as shown in the website, and so, we just went to one of the cafe and asked the boss. Luckily we met a nice nice Italian and he led us to the newspaper stands just outside the cafe and brought the tickets. We have chatted for a while too. (But it's difficult to communicate with them with my "un po' italian")

What's the beauty of South-east Italy that attracts me? It's the people there. Maybe because not many Asian people travelling there, they are all very nice to us.

After buying the tickets from the newspaper stand, we had our breakfast at the same cafe and waited for the bus at the bus stop. There are indeed 2-3 bus stops on the same street and the bus stop sign is not obvious! They don't have any company logo or pics or bus graphics, but just some italian only. You have to check clearly if the bus stop is for your bus!

Once arriving Alberobello, I suggested to check with the locals there the direction to the trulli village. The place where you get off the bus is just a normal street and it's not easy to figure out where you are indeed.

Talking about Alberobello, it is famous for its "trulli" houses. A trullo is a small dwelling built from the limestone, with conical roof. It was said that in the middle ages, the peasant workers designed the trulli to avoid taxes and fool the authorities, pretending no one was living there as the trulli could be disapossessed easily. And a few days later, they can then reconstruct the house again rapidly. 

Some of the roofs have a symbol painted on it, such symbols may include religious symbols or with astrological meaning. In 1996, Alberobello became the UNSECO World Heritage.

After walking for 15 mins, you are almost there! It was so excited to find the "Sea" of trulli in front of me and they were just amazing! Everywhere just catch your attention and your camera, too! And of course, when a place becomes more popular, tourist shops are getting more but for Alberobello, luckily the situation is still acceptable as I really don't like crowded place.

There are 3 trulli villages in Alberobello and I just went to one of them, (to me, i think it's enough). And the village is quite small so it just takes you 2-3 hours to walk around. But of course, you can stay in the trulli hotel and experience the beauty of it overnight!

If you are taking train back to Bari, you can stop by another small town, Martina Franca, which is also worth to go. I would definitely visit it if I have time next time!

這個Cafe 老闆很好人的呀!教和幫我買車票,仲專登整熱三文治 (剛剛開店沒有暖的) 給我呢 (我不太喜歡吃凍的三文治)
He is the nice nice guy from the Cafe! He even heated up the sandwiches for me (I don't like eating cold sandwiches...) 

Before arriving the Trulli village, you have to pass through this street 

就連教堂也是蘑菇屋頂呢! Even the church was built in the same "trulli" style!

Some of the roofs have a symbol painted on it, such symbols may include religious symbols or with astrological meaning